Saturday 28 July 2012

Why pills and not food?

There are different kinds of literacy's out there that can provide considerable feedback as to how to lead a successful life. I'm sure you're thinking of successful in terms of prosperity, which isn't entirely wrong. I consider good health as a form of prosperity but of course it depends on how you want to lead your life.

I place health before many things and yes, it does require a lot of discipline and "will power". But who said  life would be easy? If you think about it, these changes towards good health will make life easier later on when you will be healthy and active and won't be suffering from health problems.

The rise of diseases are quite shocking! However it's resulted from people's poor diets and lifestyles. Now that we live life in the fast lane, many of us focus on what money can buy and forget about what health can provide.

Quick and easy meals screams out "high-carb diet". However, all this "bad" stuff you are putting into your body is essentially leading your body into turmoil. Foods which spike your sugar levels are known as foods with a high glycemic index or glycemic load. These "foods" have been linked to certain forms of cancers. But remember, 'food can be thy medicine'!  

Insulin feeds into tumours which means they have the capacity to grow with your poor diet choice. Is this what you want? You can AVOID this! Get to the root of the problem rather than taking pills that merely sugar coats the issue. Your body has the power to alter and change the way it develops. 


Friday 27 July 2012

Say NO to Junk!

Don’t get me wrong, listening to your body can be hard at first and you may confuse the idea of ‘wanting’ with ‘needing’ something. The risk of listening to your stomach saying, “I want sugar” or “I want more food” becomes a battle within. This idea of will power takes time to build up to resist temptation. After overcoming the battle you will find that will power becomes second nature and not nearly as hard to say NO.

You must remember that your eyes are bigger than your stomach. So before buying bad food or even ordering it just say NO. I usually try and gulp down a glass of water and wait a few minutes to see whether that hunger was actually thirst. However, be honest with yourself, ask yourself whether you REALLY need that extra piece of cake or extra serving of pasta. Think about how you will feel after that extra portion of GUILTY pleasure. Go for something healthier like veggies or meat!

If you’re like me, that ‘feeling’ of guilt and feeling bloated is what makes me stay away from all those high 'carbed' and sugary foods. It’s also what keeps me going to the gym because even though I drag my feet to get there I just keep thinking to myself about how much better I feel after my session. Which is great, rejuvenated, healthy and most of all fit! Why ruin all that? All those long hours and killer workouts will just cancel out and become pointless if you don’t control what you put in your body.

Change your mind before you change your body

I was born and raised in Asia and found myself surrounded with so much amazing food! Now, considering I was diagnosed with diabetes at a young age I kind of realized that having all this food at my fingertips was my problem. Eating anything whenever took a toll on my diet and I was taking too much advantage of it. Little did I know, there was something called discipline and control over one’s actions? Of course at the time I didn’t care and just indulged in whatever tasted delicious. Mmmmm how I remember the sweet and savory goodness of all those fatty delights.

Well all that is in the past now, I am a new person, health conscious, exercise fanatic and love helping my friends with their health.
There are so many contradictory facts out there about health but have you ever tried to listen to your body? Speaking from a personal standpoint I find that listening to your body has been something not many have mentioned.

Before I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes my eating habits were absolutely horrible. Looking back, I cannot believe how and why I allowed myself to eat such garbage and be so lazy.  Mind you, it was very visible now looking back at pictures of myself. After my diagnosis, which I still believe is a blessing in disguise, my whole life changed.

Reading up on all the consequences of diabetes or just unhealthy living I was so scared that I told myself it was enough! It took me two years of yo-yoing with my weight from one diet to next without realizing that these short-term diet goals were not the way to go. They did not help me manage my weight in a realistic way but rather kept me on a leash.

I don’t know how many times I would cry over my weight, about how unlucky I was for having been diagnosed but HEY don’t we all usually try to play the victim but are really just in denial about the bigger and more important picture?

 For months and admittedly years I was feeling sorry for myself, thinking of how unfair it was for me. But I soon realized that all this soppiness was the key to my journey to health. It allowed me to explore the world of health and fitness in so many different ways. From reading magazines, books, to applying new ideas and concepts to exercising and creating my own guilty pleasures that aren’t “illegal” for me. I call them “Misha friendly”!

I finally came to terms with my condition as something that I couldn’t fight but rather work with. Therefore I decided to commit, (actually ‘commit’ is the wrong word)… to FOLLOW a long term plan full of healthy goodness diet, or should I rather say a healthy LIFESTYLE. Words like commit, or diet mean that you are on a leash and you must strictly follow the rules. There is no enjoyment that jumps out at me when I hear these words, I feel rather discouraged actually. So, lets say I am following a healthy lifestyle on the road to good health!

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Introduction: Journey to health, not easy but doable

Hi guys,

My name is Misha and I am currently taking an education course, which required me to develop a digital literacy text, and I figured that a blog would be something new and interesting. I’ve never kept a journal or really talked about how I felt so this is all new to me. It seems that everyone uses blogs to keep track of their day-to-day life and their thoughts for others to read which I always found quite hard to grasp. But here it goes.