Friday 27 July 2012

Say NO to Junk!

Don’t get me wrong, listening to your body can be hard at first and you may confuse the idea of ‘wanting’ with ‘needing’ something. The risk of listening to your stomach saying, “I want sugar” or “I want more food” becomes a battle within. This idea of will power takes time to build up to resist temptation. After overcoming the battle you will find that will power becomes second nature and not nearly as hard to say NO.

You must remember that your eyes are bigger than your stomach. So before buying bad food or even ordering it just say NO. I usually try and gulp down a glass of water and wait a few minutes to see whether that hunger was actually thirst. However, be honest with yourself, ask yourself whether you REALLY need that extra piece of cake or extra serving of pasta. Think about how you will feel after that extra portion of GUILTY pleasure. Go for something healthier like veggies or meat!

If you’re like me, that ‘feeling’ of guilt and feeling bloated is what makes me stay away from all those high 'carbed' and sugary foods. It’s also what keeps me going to the gym because even though I drag my feet to get there I just keep thinking to myself about how much better I feel after my session. Which is great, rejuvenated, healthy and most of all fit! Why ruin all that? All those long hours and killer workouts will just cancel out and become pointless if you don’t control what you put in your body.

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